Baton Rouge Remodeling Contractors and Designers: Kitchen Trends for 2022

Angela Poirrier

Sep 23, 2021

The kitchen is the focal point of any home. Furthermore, it is the heart of every home across south Louisiana. This is the space where you gather with family and friends, cook, entertain, and enjoy being at home. However, kitchens, just like everything else, need an update from time to time. If it has been a while since your home was built, or you feel the need to make an upgrade, 2022 has some interesting trends when it comes to kitchen design. Let’s take a closer look at what the next year has in store for your kitchen renovation.


Matte Finishes in the Kitchen

Matte finishes are beginning to be the preferred style over sleek and glossy surfaces. Matte finishes now go far beyond your cabinets and walls. Everything from sinks and faucets to appliances and hardware can boast this stylish finish.


Push to Open Kitchen Cabinets

While hardware can be a simple and effective way to add style and personality to your kitchen, push-to-open cabinets are gaining in popularity. This means no more knobs, handles, or pulls on your cabinetry and drawers. This sleek transition offers more than a clean, modern appearance for your kitchen; they are also functional. Have your hands full? Are they wet or dirty? You no longer have to grasp for a knob or handle; you simply push the corner of the cabinet with your elbow or shoulder, and you’ll have fewer messes and accidents in the kitchen.


Kitchens with Minimalistic Styling

Less is becoming more. The minimalistic design trends that have become popular in living rooms and other spaces are transitioning into the kitchen. The days of overt decoration, extraneous details, and unnecessary items on display are over. Instead, having more counter space, sleek appliances, and the overall inviting feel of open space will be the trend in 2022 and the future.


Open Shelving in the Kitchen

Open shelving has been a popular, contemporary trend in new kitchens. This will continue into 2022, providing a sleek and modern look that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your space. 


Popular Kitchen Paint Colors for 2022

As kitchen designs evolve and trends change, the colors that become or return to being popular also change. For 2022 expect to see a neutral palette with the likes of fresh greens, sky blue. Calm, muted shades of blue will continue to be a popular choice as well. Grays will also remain a top choice, specifically lighter, faded options and blends that work well with wood texture. The top color expected to be in favor next year is a combination of these; gray-green. This deeper tone blends well with white and is similar to other popular shades like olive or pistachio.


If a new, updated, or upgraded kitchen is on your agenda for 2022, it all begins with the right design and construction team. For over 40 years, the experts at Acadian House Design + Renovation have been helping homeowners in the Baton Rouge area create the rooms, spaces, and homes of their dreams.


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